"Leader" Oil paint,Linseed oil on Birchwood.
Hi all and welcome to my first Designer Maker Interview on my new blog!
This interview took place a few years ago and Tara has been a very busy lady since then. A new art direction into the realm of digital art imagery and a new baby boy means this creative force has alot going on.

I saw Tara's work on etsy as a itty bitty thumbnail avatar on the forums and was intrigued so had to click onto her shop. Once I saw her beautiful paintings I just had to interview her. So without further ado here is what inspires this artist and makes her tick.

"Non Ducor Duco" I am not led I lead.
All work owned and copyrighted to Tara's Art House.

What is the name of this piece,the inspiration/story behind it and what materials were used?
I used oil paint thinned down with linseed oil to give it a translucent look. I painted it onto a birch panel and and framed it with wood when I was finished.
What inspired me to paint it was the desire to portray someone who isn't your typical "cookie-cutter" version of beauty. I found a gorgeous stock photo of this model and couldn't get over it. She looked strong and vulnerable, androgynous yet feminine all at the same time.
I added in the tattoo "Non Ducor Duco" meaning "I am not led,I lead" in latin. It really tied the piece together and portrayed everything I wanted to say with this piece.

Mad Hatters Manor, Oil paints thinned with linseed oil on Birchwood.
This piece is a throwback to Lewis Carrols "Alice in Wonderland" , Disney and Tim Burton. My favorite scene is the Mad Hatters Tea Party. I always imagined that if he had a favorite chair it would be this dramatic,plush,high backed victorian chair.
I wanted to involve pieces of the film and books without it being blatantly obvious.
I have the Mad Hatters top hat,Alice's key and the White Rabbit's pocketwatch. I wanted this painting to have a darker feel to it.

Cleopatra, Oil,Linseed oils on birchwood.
I wanted this piece to embody the classic,timeless beauty of Elizabeth Taylor and the strong sensual quality of Cleopatra. I have always been drawn to the dramatic jewelry and makeup used in the film and really wanted to capture that in a painting. I also painted this to challenge myself to get better at painting human likenesses.

"Cleopatra" Oils, Linseed Oil on Birchwood.
"Victorian Chair" Oils,Linseed Oil on Birchwood.
Psychedlic Owl, Watercolor,Graphite,Paper,Digital Media.
This piece was something fun and a chance to combine two medias, traditional and digital. I sketched out the little owl first,painted it with watercolours,scanned it and amped up the colours and added different elements and textures digitally.
It is really freeing to work digitally with my pieces.I,m not scared to mess up as it gives me the chance to go all out and try all the stuff I never would try with traditional media. It also gives me the chance to try out different versions of the piece. 
"Tiny Owl" Watercolor,Graphite,Digital Media

"Take Flight" Digital Media self portrait/Photography.
This piece is part of my venture into photogprahy. I wanted it to feel as if the owl and I were blending together into one preparing to take flight. I think most people have imagined what it must be like to fly, whether for escape or adventure,out of fear or curiosity. I wanted the viewer to see this image and imagine their own reasons and emotions.
"Take Flight" Photography, Digital Media,Self Portrait.
"Dark Dreamer" Digital Photgraphy.
This is another piece I wanted to have a darker feel to it. I wanted the viewer to decide whether she was really dreaming or if there was something more to it.
I wanted to play up the rich red tones by desaturating the rest of the image, really drawing your eye into the girl and the chair.
"Dark Dreamer" Digital Photography
Next week..... Tara's Art House Part 2: Inspirations and Media with work in progress shots behind the making of the painting "Leader".

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