Morning all and welcome to Part 2 of my interview with Tara from Tara's ArtHouse. Tara's paintings on wood go through many stages till they are complete, here she shows step by step progress shots of how my favorite painting "LEADER" was created.

What inspired you to become a artist and what media do you use?
I've always loved art ever since I was a child.When I was young I would draw little comic dtrips that would make my parents laugh.
My great-aunt Mincy is a fantastic artist and she  would let me use her canvases and paints to play. When I was done she would add some final touches to complete the painting. She's been a huge inspiration to my art. Also my fiance's mother Andrea is an artist and her work just blows me away.Everytime she creates a new piece it inspires me and makes me want to improve.

Are you self taught or had any art training?
I am self taught.I started out playing with watercolors on paper then acrylic on canvas.I was intimadated by oils because of the long drying time,the idea of using thinners/oils and having to clean your brushes out using mineral spirits or turpentine. I finally bought some oils and started testing them out and haven't looked back. When paired with a wood panel the wood soaks up the soft buttery oils, it's become my favorite combination of materials.

Your work seems to cover a variety of themes from Elizabeth taylor to the mohawked lady in Leader. What themes do you use and why?
There is alot of variety in my work as I get bored pretty quickly as something new is always catchingmy eye.The women to me represent Strength and Beauty in two different aspects.One is more a classical beauty while the other is a more modern take.

What is behind (to my eye) the more abstract figuritive pieces?
These pieces are the chance to explore bold colour and line.Kind of like the digital media pieces,it's a little less constrained,more freeing.

Whats next for Tara's Art House?
What I hope to do next is make my work available in as many different forms as possiable. I want to create greetings cards,postcards,bookmarks,calenders pretty much anything that is affordable and practical. I also want to take a greener approach and use recycled materials whenever I get the chance. I have some postcards being printed on 100% recycled paper available in the shop at the moment.

Next week.... The final part looking at the hardships and rewards Tara encounters as a creative business woman and first look at new digital works

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